Taylor Lautner falls victim to fake coming out cover story

Taylor Lautner, 19 is a charming boy who has well known since he was chosen to play the werewolf in Twilight, Jacob Black, and that to this saga, he often dropped the shirt. If we were able to associate the stories of heart - especially with singer Taylor Swift , her partner in Valentine's Day, or Lily Collins, daughter of Phil - the young man has not yet found his chosen heart. Blur which resulted in some sentimental to throw rumors about an alleged homosexual (read article about "Is Taylor Lautner gay?") and he is the victim of a plot: a fake magazine cover announcing his coming out!

A false cover of People, famous American magazine about celebrities, shows a picture of Taylor Lautner, very attractive, with the title: Out & Proud, which could be translated as " gay and proud of it . " The grip of the article states that " tired of the rumors, the Twilight star says of his decision to make his coming out.

" All this was a farce and a spokesman for People strongly denounced this coverage. However, the buzz was still widespread, and some figures have praised the courage of Taylor. On Twitter, music producer Russell Simmons had said he was proud of his bravery. He returned to his remarks, saying he had been duped: " I am disappointed that people make fun of a subject as important as sexual orientation. Let Taylor Lautner being who he wants. " This is not the first time the actor is the victim of such rumors. After a lunch with director Gus Van Sant , whose homosexuality was known, a journalist from GQ magazine asked him if he himself was gay ... In this regard, the gay filmmaker Roland Emmerich ( Independence Day, 2012 ) had stated in the magazine Tetu : " When one is as handsome as him, everyone thinks, at one time or another, you are homo .. . Even I am asked about it! “Ported to the peaks of the star system, Taylor Lautner should handle attacks on his private life with the same force as his blows against the evil vampires in Twilight .

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