Louis Morissette talks about the Bye Bye 2011

A few days after delivering her third Bye Bye, Louis Morissette responds to criticism.

Louis Morissette talks about the Bye Bye 2011
The author, producer and actor of the last Bye Bye, Louis Morissette, do not hide it, "the show was not perfect."

It is through his Facebook page that Louis Morissette responded to his critics. Some criticisms levelled against the issuance of year-end of the CBC were the 2011 Bye Bye too politicized, too linear, not surprising, and so on.

Louis Morissette is aware of the risk he took by agreeing to support this type of program: "There were shortcomings, and in any case, this type of issue can never be unanimous. "

The author references policies can not be eliminated from Bye Bye  , "Highlights of the year for us political figures were imposed. It is the nature of Bye Bye to have a perspective on these events. "

He added: "Next time, I will do more jokes Michèle Richard, that's relevant. I will live with those who complain that we are uneducated, victims of the cult of the TV, but ... That's also what do the Bye Bye. "

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