Kate Middleton: moved to tears by War horse

Kate Middleton: moved to tears by War horse
Special guest along with her ​​husband, Prince William, Kate Middleton attended the London premiere of War Horse in the presence of the director, Steven Spielberg. And the film has really touched the Duchess of Cambridge, who have even cried with emotion.
War horse, the new film by Steven Spielberg, tells the story of a young man, engaged voluntarily in the first World War to find his horse, conscripted to save him from this hell. The film, produced in homage to the 8 million horses killed during the Great War, has moved much Kate Middleton, who attended the premiere last night, along with Prince William, Steven Spielberg and wife Kate Capshaw.

"At one point, my wife, who was sitting to my right ... had a kleenex to the Duchess of Cambridge. I just saw the Kleenex go past my face," Steven Spielberg told the BBC. Kate Middleton would it have been moved to tears by the film? It seems, according to the director, who saw the young woman dabbing her eyes with the handkerchief. "But I did not want to encroach on her experience as a spectator so I looked over," Spielberg continued.

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