Lindsay Lohan play as Elizabeth Taylor?!

Lindsay Lohan play as Elizabeth Taylor
While Lindsay Lohan has seen in recent years her popularity suffer the wrath of the people and the press because of her legal troubles, the young woman was able to bounce back! Indeed, JAG muse for the brand today Lohan was approached to play as Elizabeth Taylor on TV.

Recently, Lindsay Lohan has chosen to prove that it had changed leaving behind judicial setbacks and parties. A radical change has not gone unnoticed because according to Deadline , Lilo could well become the beautiful and talented Elizabeth Taylor in a TV movie of the chain Lifetime , entitled Elizabeth & Richard: A Love Story . Fiction tales, like the name suggests, the great love story in the city or on the screen that linked Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton , leading them to marry twice.

For similarity, we revert! The only commonality between the two women is a childhood star. At the moment the movie release date has not yet been revealed and it is not clear either if Lindsay Lohan has accepted the role, it has yet made any official statement. One thing for sure is that Lindsay Lohan will be expected to turn to embody this icon of American cinema.

This is not the first time that the actress is willing to slip into the shoes of a legendary actress of American cinema. Last December, Lindsay lohan posed naked in Marilyn Monroe for Playboy magazine.

And you, what do you think of the choice of Lindsay Lohan to take over the role of the great Elizabeth Taylor in the TV biopic?

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