Piranha 3DD: US pushed to, direct to DVD in England ... No more?

Kelly Brooke Piranha 3DD
Updating of January 5, a representative of a British retailer assures "We would like you to know that Piranha 3DD will not come out straight to DVD in England as this was reported. We will give a release date in theaters and the movie Piranha 3DD will be released on DVD after the theatrical release of the film. "

News of December 30: Does the absence of busty Kelly Brooks (photo) in the casting of this series has cooled distributors?

We suspected that there was a distribution problem as early as October, when Dimension Films pushed the release of Piranha 3DD so at least blurred, indicating that emerge in the United States "in 2012." However, things had started well for the comic horror film, after the remake of a cult of Joe Dante by Alexandre Aja who had become one of the surprise successes of 2010. Except that very quickly, things started going wrong ...

Piranha 3DD Piranha3D to direct to DVD

In the wake of good results of Piranha 3D in theaters, Dimension Films will immediately schedule a sequel, but director Alexandre Aja left the ship, returning to a long-standing project: the adaptation of the series Cobra film.

The writers of Saw 3D , Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan have been hired anyway. John Gulager , virtually unknown to the battalion (he shot three components of Feast , but only the first was released to theaters), took control of film. A few months later, the first teaser was issued, showing that the cast was enriched by Hasselhoff , famous for its rescue in Baywatch . They promised more horror, more sex and also more piranhas ...

Not a chance: in England, Piranha 3DD released straight to DVD and Blu-ray, from 19 March. This is the British Video Association announcing the news, suggesting that this is all very official. 

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