10 Best Songs Along 2003 To 2013

Ten Best song 2003 - 2013
There are countless of hits song emerging and popular throughout the last 10 years. Which is best? It is certainly difficult choice. However, according to a survey carried out from BBC 6Music, Clock of Coldplay is the champion.

The song was first released on 10 December 2002 in the United States has become the most favourite above other great singles. In the second place, Artic Monkeys donate singles, Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor.

In the third, Elbow fans should be proud of. Single One Day Like This turned out to be much-loved by the music lovers. Followed by Bloodbuzz Ohio from The National in fourth position.

One of the most influential bands in the UK, Radiohead was only able to donate one song, namely There There, and even then only ranked tenth.

Here are the top 10 best songs throughout the 2003-2013 from BBC 6Music version:
1. Coldplay: 'Clocks'
2. Arctic Monkeys: 'I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor'
3. Elbow: 'One Day Like This'
4. The National: 'Bloodbuzz Ohio'
5. The Killers: 'Mr Brightside'
6. The White Stripes: 'Seven Nation Army'
7. The Flaming Lips: 'Do You Realise??'
8. Johnny Cash: 'Hurt'
9. British Sea Power: 'Remember Me'
10. Radiohead: 'There There'

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