Adam Lanza Shooting: National Review Blames Massacre on "Feminized Setting" at Sandy Hook School

Adam Lanza Shooting: National Review Blames Massacre on "Feminized Setting" at Sandy Hook School

Now that we are nearly one week aloof from the terrible Newtown school shooting, many people are hoping for additional cogent, nuanced, and credible accounts of what happened. The National Review Online dashed those hopes Wednesday by publishing a piece blaming a “feminized setting” and Newtown teachers for the attack that killed twenty students and 6 academics at Sandy Hook Elementary Faculty on December 14.

“There was not one adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred. In this college of 450 students, a sizeable variety of whom were undoubtedly 11- and twelve-year-old boys (it absolutely was a K–half dozen faculty), all the personnel — the lecturers, the principal, the assistant principal, the school psychologist, the “reading specialist” — were female. There didn’t even appear to be a male janitor to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees. Women and small children are sitting ducks for mass-murderers. The principal, Dawn Hochsprung, appeared to own performed bravely. According to reports, she activated the varsity’s public-address system and conjointly lunged at Lanza, before he shot her to death. Some of the lecturers managed to save all or a number of their charges by speeding them into closets or loos." 

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Adam Lanza Shooting Renews Debate Over Video Game Violence Among Politicians And Gamers

White House adviser David Axelrod tweeted, "However shouldn't we have a tendency to conjointly quit marketing murder as a game?"

And Donald Trump weighed in, tweeting, "Video game violence & glorification should be stopped — it is creating monsters!"

On the opposite hand, forced treatment will also be emotionally wrenching for the patient and cause lingering anger, mental-health experts say.


Sandy Hook Shooting: Why Did Lanza Target a School?

“People who are forcibly treated so often feel traumatized by it,” says Robert Whitaker, author of “Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and also the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America.” “Ladies in specific will generally speak regarding it nearly like a quasi-rape, as a result of sometimes they are held down and injected,” he says.

Moreover, a private wants to be dangerous before intervention is potential. The state’s normal will not take into thought an individual’s past psychiatric history, like repeated hospitalizations or symptoms of psychiatric deterioration that might culminate in violence.

Gun control may doubtless remove one tool from the hands of potential perpetrators, but mass homicides occur in each part of the globe — Scotland, Norway, Germany, China. So whereas it might indeed be the proper time to talk regarding gun control, as many are saying, it's also the proper time to speak about mental health care in our country. Our country’s funding for mental-health services has only gotten worse since the 2008 recession. As the National Alliance on Mental Illness has been warning for it slow, the prevailing level of funding is inadequate, therefore our nation’s ability to identify and look after the severely mentally sick has been hamstrung.

In my very own clinical work, I’ve seen individuals I’ve identified as being probably at risk for future criminal behavior as a result of of their mental illness. Very often, there are merely few to no resources for them until they come to the eye of the criminal-justice system. Obviously, the vast majority of the chronically mentally unwell won’t commit crimes, definitely not of the severity of the Sandy Hook shooting. However by leaving the mentally sick adrift to fend for themselves, we have a tendency to miss the chance to spot and treat some of these at-risk people before they escalate. Granted, neither gun management nor a well-funded mental-health system will forestall each mass homicide. But we have a tendency to leave ourselves — and more innocent kids — vulnerable until we have a tendency to address both of those problems.

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