James Cameron describes "a moonscape" in the deep oceans

James Cameron describes
James Cameron is the first man to have plunged more than 10 km at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific. On board his submarine, the Challenger Deep, he spent more than 3:30 at the bottom of the ocean to bring these first images.

From Titanic to Avatar through Abyss or Sanctum, the Canadian director James Cameron seems to have always had a special relationship with the ocean depths. It has now proved by becoming the first man to have made ​​a diving 11 km in the Pacific, where no one has gone before.

Revenue this week, the Explorer has been assailed on all sides to tell what he saw. But the first images of his expedition were not long in coming since the National Geographic has already revealed. “It’s a place lunar, very isolated and abandoned. I had the impression of being completely cut off from the rest of humanity. I had the impression of having made ​​a return trip on another planet in the space of one day , "said James Cameron quoted by the Daily Mail .

“At one point I had to stop for a moment, just long enough to tell me "that's it, I am! I am at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth! What does it mean for me? ", "he said, the director, echoed by the National Turk.” This is especially the feeling of isolation that takes over, you realize how small you are in this vast place, unknown and unexplored, “headed.

Small disappointment, yet for the director, who hoped to see some strange underwater creatures able to wake the writer in him, says CBS News. All he observed was a shrimp-like animal and measuring no more than 2.5 centimetres. The video is the first of many that will be a National Geographic documentary. Indeed, the director plans to plunge many more times on the Challenger Deep...

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